Saturday, September 25, 2010

Pepper Harvest

I haven’t had much success growing peppers in the past. The first year I had a garden, I had five or six bell pepper plants that produced a few small, thin skinned peppers. Last year I had a couple of jalapeno plants. Again, I only got a few peppers.

About a week before my spring planting, I was drawn to a rack of veggie plants outside of the grocery store. I already had enough plants at home for my garden, so I held back and only bought two. I ended up with a tomato plant and a Thai pepper plant. Actually it was Thai pepper plants as the little cell contained four plants. I liked that I was paying for one, and getting three for free. I like free.

While one of the plants died, the other three started to produce like mad. I have been getting a steady amount of peppers for months. Today I decided to pick the rest of the peppers and freeze my harvest. I can’t believe the number of peppers I got from just three plants.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Despite having a garden for several years, I sometimes forget to use what I have grown. I’ll excitedly pick a zucchini, only to forget about it on the counter. I tackled this problem head on in the month of August. I pledged to eat at least one thing grown in my garden every day. Now that August is over, I am proud to say that except for one day, I did it. The one day I didn’t eat something I grew, I wasn’t feeling well and barely ate anything all day. I am not going to hold that against me.

During the month, I discovered a new food combination. I have always loved bagels topped with fresh tomatoes and melted cheese. When I have a bit of extra time, I put the bagel halves under the broiler so that the cheese turns a bit brown. I am not the biggest cucumber fan in the world, so when my lemon cucumber plant started to produce like mad, I had to think of way to use them up. I started to top my bagels not only with tomatoes and cheese but cucumbers as well. The combo really works. It is especially good with jalapeƱo jack cheese. The coolness of the cucumbers is a nice balance to the hot cheese.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Garlic Seeds

I grew garlic for the first time last fall. It was one of the easiest edibles that I have ever grown. I just planted the individual cloves in November and then dug up the bulbs in June. I must have missed a few as when I was preparing the same bed for green beans a couple of weeks ago, I found a few more bulbs. Other than being a little dry, they were fine and went into storage with the rest of my picked garlic.

Out of curiosity, I let a couple of the plants flower and go to seed. I picked the flowers and rubbed them between my hands to release the seeds. After doing a little research, I discovered that if you plant a garlic seed, it will grow into a clove and the next year into a bulb. I don’t know if I have enough patience for that. I also found a couple of recipes. The one I found for picked garlic seeds looks really good. Too bad it calls for a cup of garlic seeds and I only have about a fourth of that.