Saturday, September 25, 2010

Pepper Harvest

I haven’t had much success growing peppers in the past. The first year I had a garden, I had five or six bell pepper plants that produced a few small, thin skinned peppers. Last year I had a couple of jalapeno plants. Again, I only got a few peppers.

About a week before my spring planting, I was drawn to a rack of veggie plants outside of the grocery store. I already had enough plants at home for my garden, so I held back and only bought two. I ended up with a tomato plant and a Thai pepper plant. Actually it was Thai pepper plants as the little cell contained four plants. I liked that I was paying for one, and getting three for free. I like free.

While one of the plants died, the other three started to produce like mad. I have been getting a steady amount of peppers for months. Today I decided to pick the rest of the peppers and freeze my harvest. I can’t believe the number of peppers I got from just three plants.

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