Saturday, September 4, 2010

Garlic Seeds

I grew garlic for the first time last fall. It was one of the easiest edibles that I have ever grown. I just planted the individual cloves in November and then dug up the bulbs in June. I must have missed a few as when I was preparing the same bed for green beans a couple of weeks ago, I found a few more bulbs. Other than being a little dry, they were fine and went into storage with the rest of my picked garlic.

Out of curiosity, I let a couple of the plants flower and go to seed. I picked the flowers and rubbed them between my hands to release the seeds. After doing a little research, I discovered that if you plant a garlic seed, it will grow into a clove and the next year into a bulb. I don’t know if I have enough patience for that. I also found a couple of recipes. The one I found for picked garlic seeds looks really good. Too bad it calls for a cup of garlic seeds and I only have about a fourth of that.

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